Monday, February 17, 2020

Design research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Design research proposal - Essay Example The researcher will thus uncover the academic gap in this context and design an appropriate design that can effectively combine both the high and tech and the vending machine besides increased usability and convenience to curb the looming cases of disease since this is a public machine and hence serves various cohorts of individuals hence presenting higher chances of spread of contingency diseases. Vending machines are convenience common sources of snacks and beverages but most machines ignores healthy options. The foods and drinks in the vending machines have led to increased cases of obesity (public health problem). Youth and adults are at risks to develop type 2 diabetes, asthma, arthritis and heart disease. Despite the fact food vending machine avails food everywhere in America, food choices hazardous to health. Based on these limitation in the vending machine, there is an urgent need to unearth the possible effective design mechanism that if adopted will results in safety of vending machine users (The Nemours Foundation 2010). This can only be achieved through the incorporation of the high tech within the vending machine to curb the problem of spread of these catastrophic disease attached to faulty public vending machines. Many cities have thus designed effective restrictions and regulatory to the designers of these vending machines in order to meet the guideline requirem ents. It is upon this problems associated with most vending machines, the researcher seeks to investigate and design a machine that will minimize the spread of diseases associated with the public vending machines. The data collection through observation will be done both in the vending machine mall and the MU building on the University. The rationale for picking on these location was due to the mass coverage within short time. This will ensure observation’s effectiveness besides vast

Monday, February 3, 2020

Assignment2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Assignment2 - Essay Example IBM New York continued with its drastic expansion into Germany with the aim of developing machines a few weeks after Adolf Hitler ascended to power. In 1933, Hitler used statisticians as his intellectual soldiers. Census departments and statistical offices were among the clients of IBM. Nazi statistical professionals laid claim to what they presumed their developing technology was going to achieve. Their entire anticipation was based on the growing creativity of IBM tabulator technology and punch cards. Only IBM could create and implement systems to quantify, sort, and identify the German people from the other populations. The 1933 census, with tabulation services and design assistance given by IBM helped the Nazi achieve their purpose. In 1935, census data that was machine-tabulated significantly increased the approximated number of Jews through the identification of people with a few or a single Jewish ancestor. Over 2000 multi-machine sets were distributed all over Germany. Moreov er, card sorting systems were developed in all camps (Black, 2001). In 1939, another census was conducted to find out the complete number of the Jewish population. The census activities were closely linked with cards and technology supplied by IBM. In addition, Nazi concentration camps had a department which kept records of inmates by the use of the punch card technology. Every concentration camp contained a code number for the purpose of keeping records. In 1943, when prisoners arrived at the concentration camps, they would be assessed physically and for political activities and their information recorded on the punch cards (Black, 2001). Richard Wiggins came up with the idea of the Speak and Spell in 1976. This idea set the landmark for digital processors, being the first one to utilize linear predictive coding to carry out speech synthesis. In 1980, the initial stand-alone, comprehensive digital processors were developed. In 1983, digital processors continued to be more successfu l. These digital processors were developed on the basis of the Harvard architecture. They contained distinct data and instruction memory. These data processors contained a unique instruction set, with commands, for example, multiply and accumulate, and load and accumulate. Almost more than five years after this invention, a more advanced set of digital processors started to spread. This processor contained three memories for recording multiple operands at the same time and contained hardware to quicken tight loops. In addition, this processor also contained an addressing component with a capacity of loop-addressing. Finally, contemporary digital processors have a tremendous performance. This can be attributed to both architectural and technological developments, for example, a wider bus system, fast-access two-level cache, and lower design rules. In my view, these items are significant because they highlight significant events that highlight changes that have led to the development of digital processors. For instance, the Nazi used the punch card technology to record information during the census and in Nazi concentration camps, and the current processors contain tremendous qualities, for example, fast-access two-level cache. Question 2 Henry Edward Roberts was an American entrepreneur, engineer, and medical doctor. In 1975, he created the initial commercially profitable personal